8.31.21 // a daring dance

What a daring dance life is.
A series of small moments, interactions, accidents that guide us from each seemingly insignificant second to the next.
But what a difference those small moments make, stopping to have a long mid-hike lunch which means ending up in the same gondola as someone who starts as a stranger and leaves a friend or someone asking a question to their neighbor in the cafe one morning and leaving a hopeful colleague a few days later.
These moments, these incredibly small but drastically impactful moments feel like the breath of life, they feel like the air we breathe, they feel needed, yearned for, grounding.
After all, we aren’t meant to go through life alone… I think those small moments when human lives overlap are the universe’s way of reminding us of this fact, of telling us the life that is right ahead of you, actually starts right in front of you.