7.20.23 // A New Era
"I feel like you have entered a new era."
You are damn right.
The transition is undeniable, the shifts are palpable, and the energy is an unmistakabley stark contrast to what has been.
Welcome to my new era, my new chapter, my new book.
A lot has changed over the last year, the last 6 months, the last few weeks. Some changes left me crawling and some left me soaring, but they all were beautiful in their existence. They are all a part of me. While the hard moments still creep in and can weigh me down with lingering pangs of trauma, the stunning moments can leave me floating with the promise of endless possibility. So, I'm balancing the beauty of contrast all while trusting that there are no coincidences, there are no right and wrong ways of doing life, and this big beautiful life of mine is only mine to live.
There is a lot left to share about these new chapters and changes, but that will happen in time...
Usually, I wouldn't be so blatant about change, I'd be poetic and full of prose, perhaps embarrassed or nervous to be judged by my typically non-traditional choices by both my new version and my old one. But, not anymore. I am where I am and I'm proud of that, my choices, and the person I was, who I am, and who I'm becoming.
So, welcome to my new era.