8.6.20 // Anger

A secondary emotion.
Anger typically signifies an underlying issue.
Just identify the issue, deal with it andddd poof anger disappears! Easy as that, right?
But, not completely wrong...
Anger is a guide. She is ferocious and manifests in gnarly ways, but she is beautiful at her core. She wants to guide you towards something else going on inside your big, complex emotional system. She wants to lead the way, she wants you to understand her.
Maybe you don't speak her language, but there are ways to start the process of understanding:
slowing down, greeting her with love, and creating space to learn from her.
It's undeniable, anger can be blinding, hurtful, and misleading, but we just need to see her for what she is... a gateway. She is leading you to your deeper self if you'll just take her hand.