10.7.19 // Anticipation Part I

This week is a big week.
I am excited, nervous, and all of the emotions.
I don't have my own words right now, so I'm borrowing from someone who inspires me, @jedidiahjenkins. This is part I...
"I've met a lot of older people -grandparents, teachers- who give me the spiel of -- ahh my life went by so fast, just yesterday I was 19 or 25 and now I don't know where all that time went. I just blinked and I was 80.
I think about that and I'm like what a strange way to be alive...
Back in California I had this fear of building this routine in my 30s and suddenly the decade is gone. So I promised myself I would do something radically different and I'm going to do something that scares the crap out of me to see if that changes my brain chemistry...
People ask why did you do this. And my answer is this:
The routine is the enemy of time, it makes time fly by."


Location: San Francisco, California