12.20.19 // Assumptions.
I’ve been thinking a lot about assumptions lately and it’s come to my attention how much assumptions are running rampant in society and in our relationships.
I don’t want to place blame, and I’m no expert, but I liken this outbreak of assumptions to the increased reliance on social media and our fundamental inability to communicate directly to our fellow humans in a way that makes sense for all parties involved.
Let me explain?
In this day, social media is now our central source of truth. We look to it to fill in the blanks and details of someone's life. Pictures of travel? Wow they must have the most cush/flexible job! No pictures of other people? They MUST be single! Pictures of other people? They MUST be dating! Pictures of the newest shoe/ car/ etc. etc? WOW they must be so happy (materialism and competition, that’s another issue…).
When was the last time you talked to that someone you follow on social media about their reality. Their cold, hard, ebbs and flows, ups and downs reality? Has it been weeks, months, years? Do you fear the real answers? The answers that life might not be as pretty as the pictures we take or the dreamy quotes we post? Do you fear that they aren’t going to be the person that you so eloquently painted a picture of in your head? Do you fear that if you ask once you’ll have to ask again because life is not just a still snapshot?
Maybe I’m being too critical. Maybe the solution isn’t as simple as “talk to someone.” But, I am continuously finding that communication is something that’s gone awry. Through all our connections and ties via technology, our ability and desire to dig deep, be vulnerable, and build community in truth is all but gone, or it feels as such.
Our true north is no longer rooted in words and actions, but well-curated photos and strategic moments shown that is hardly representative.
I have no solutions for this crisis of communication, just observations and a call to my community to pause the next time we make an assumption and instead of doing so, talk to someone before you make a statement or conclusion about something or someone.
Current Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Feelings: Inquisitive