12.13.19 // Let's Explore New Places Together.

Let's explore new places together.
Places that have us floating above the clouds and dancing with the rays of sun.
We'll surrender ourselves to the thin air of altitude, the mountains we call home, and the arms of one another.
The horizon will glitter with the promise of daylight and an all inviting silence will blanket the world. The only sounds left to hear are our hearts that beat in synchronicity and our slow, intentional breath.
We'll witness the world from thousands of feet and we'll feel both the smallness of our being in an all-encompassing universe and the vastness of our gratitude for having existed at this precise moment in time and space.
It's in these moments that our souls will soar back to the stardust we both were cut from and while our love will be earthly, our souls will be otherworldly.


Current Location: Chattanooga, TN
Feelings: Optimistic/Hurt