12.2.20 // great teacher

You're one of the great teachers of my life.
A teacher with endless patience and lessons that never seem to be obvious in the moment.
The way you race out the door into the snowflakes is a lesson I love to learn over and over again.
Seeing the way you fall in love with the snow each time you step your furry golden paws onto the powder is an invigorating lesson in loving the moment your in.
The way you look back to make sure I'm paying attention as you thrust your body into the piles of snow is a lesson in moving freely and remembering to dance like no one is watching (or better yet, if they are, getting them to join).
The way you zoom around the mountains of snow, both big and small with puppy-like energy bursting from every single hair on your body while you speed around. A lesson in letting my energy transform in whatever way my body needs it, without judgment.
You're teaching me lessons every moment and while I like to call myself your trainer, you're teaching me more than I could ever teach you, Scout.
And I can't wait to keep learning your subtle teachings every day this winter and beyond.