2.10.20 // I wasn't supposed to...
I wasn’t supposed to...
I wasn’t supposed to go to Japan. I just wasn’t supposed to.
I wasn’t supposed to say yes to invitations that are wild and beautiful. The kind of invitations that fuel my soul. The kind of invitations that challenge my priorities and force me to push myself out of my comfort zone.
I was supposed to be searching.
I was supposed to be searching for a “real job.” A job that makes “sense.” One that makes sense to the masses, because if you aren’t working a 9 to 5, a tech job, or starting your own company then “what are you even doing?!”
I was supposed to be healing from a broken heart. I was supposed to be locked into the idea of “healing” and forget how far I’ve come. I was supposed to be committed to seeing myself as broken.
But, kindly, I’d like to say— fuck that.
So, what are the internal dialogues and societal standards that are tripping you up and telling you what you are “supposed to” be/act/live?