4.1.20 // Living presently…
Living presently…
I’ve preached present living. I’ve daydreamed about present living. But I’ve struggled to find present living in the past. In recent months, I’ve been making progress though.
Then quarantine.
When lockdowns first started happening, I was still making plans and living in the future. Ready to jump from adventure to adventure.
But this time to slow down, reprioritize, and relearn the meaning of present living has been extremely valuable.
It’s a fine line, but I’m becoming more aware of how delicate and necessary it is to find beauty in this moment, right now, this inhale and exhale, in order to live my life in a way I’m proud of.
While it’s easy to slip into past living, like this moment trail running up at Mammoth Lakes, I’m trying to use the memories as a reminder to find gratitude and slowness the next time I hit the trails or even right now in my quarantine kitchen.
Because as I look back on this photo with lust for the Eastern Sierra, I can almost guarantee that in this moment I was making lists, finding reasons to hate my body, or planning what tomorrow was going to look like…