7.12.21 // mirror selfies
For years, I wouldn't post mirror selfies on Instagram.
I've been posting more of them in recent times, but it was a huge mental hurdle for me because of the narrative I was telling myself that came out of my lack of confidence, fears, and jealousy.
I would see women post mirror selfies and think truly judgmental thoughts. I would chalk these photos up as being "influencer"-like and an excuse to post a selfie. But in reality, those mirror selfies I came across were incredible examples of confidence, vulnerability, and courage.
So I'm challenging myself for the next few posts, you'll be seeing the mirror selfies (or selfies in general) that I've taken stealthily over the last year and held onto in fear of being vulnerable, courageous, and confident!
Why am I doing this? Because I'm tired of telling myself who I am, I am tired of putting myself in a box. This isn't the easy way to skirt around the old Liz's concerns, but it is powerful for me.
That old version of Liz clearly had so little confidence in who she was and the space she took up in the world. This is my offer to her, to show her that she is every bit as fabulous, confident, and courageous as those other women who now act as inspiration rather than inciting her deep fears.