4.20.21 // "people can't change"

“People can’t change.”
When I was younger I believed that.
I remember hearing that phrase and nodding along. I remember thinking that humans were creatures of habits and to change is a damn near impossible feat.
In reality, I believed this probably because I didn’t want people to change. I didn’t want my high school friends to change when we parted ways after our senior year summer, I didn’t want my high school love to stop loving me when we went to college, and I didn’t want to give people who hurt me second chances...
But people change.
Sometimes those changes have a positive impact on you and other times they can be intensely negative.
In the past month alone, I’ve seen both of these impacts in my life. I’ve seen a figure who fell out of my life, come back in with beauty, grace, openness, and love. And I’ve seen a figure who was a staple in my life fall away with pain and sadness.
But just like in life, I can’t hold either of these figures in or out of my life. I hope they’ll stay or come back, but I know we are all on our journeys- journeys of self-exploration, understanding, and creation.
That’s what my younger self didn’t realize... that I would also change if I truly wanted to find myself and live a life of my own.
So here’s to everyone changing. Everyone changing all the time and people who come in and out of our life that shape us even if only for a moment or even 30 years.