3.19.21 // a push and a pull

It's a push and a pull.
You've pushed forward, but you feel the pull backward.
Movement, progress, achievement, failure.
Words that hold so much power over us, that tie our emotions tight to expectations and plans.
The inner world you've come to know and love, feeling like an unfamiliar landscape. The once lush greens and soft rivers that flowed through you have dried in the winter of your soul. Brittle ground breaks under your boots as you try to traverse the lands of your heart you once deeply knew and loved.
It pains you to see the lifeless landscapes, the pull backward, the retreating wildlife, and fragile brown vegetation.
But in the midst of the silence, the sky of your soul which resembles the bleak surroundings of the grounds gives way to something beautiful. Tiny white flakes of snow, perfectly unique, and stunningly individual.
Dusting the depths of the desolate, the snow turns the brown world a soft white as a reminder that change can come quickly and that even in the midst of winter while the dark and barren can feel all-encompassing the push forward can take you in just a matter of seconds and the lush green can come rushing back.
The winter is, after all, just a season and death has to come before giving way to beautiful new life.
Just like mother nature our souls have seasons, as volatile as the weather and as powerful as the elements.