10.17.20 // what you don't see

There is so much ​Social ​Media doesn't see.
The mountains we climb, the tumbles we take, the secrets we hide in our hair. Most of it is an illusion, so we can seem more seamless.
We're reduced to a number, filters that shade our existence to be more unrealistic, and a couple of words that are supposed to sum it all up which often gets skipped over in the "scroll.”
There is so much you guys don't see here. And that is saying a lot because I give you guys a lot of raw and vulnerable moments.
But, I'm a human and I have so many layers. There are certain aspects and details of my life that I imagine will eventually surface because I think it would be positive, not just for me in overcoming fears, but it would be positive for my little community to know that I am by no means without struggles, pain, and imperfections.
However, until I'm ready to share, trust me when I say there is a mountain to climb for the view, I fall often both physically and mentally, and there are secrets in my temperamental hair.