6.28.21 // who you are becoming
"Who you are becoming is more important than who you've been."
A new friend of mine sent me a note the other day with this quote. He asked if I could write on this idea and share some of my thoughts. After a few days, I have some conclusions...
I both agree and disagree and like and dislike this.
At first glance, I loved it. It made me feel empowered, proud of the person I am today and who I am going to be. It had me thinking positively towards the days to come, the moments I hope to experience, and the ability to transform into the version of myself that I would be the proudest of.
But, this quote also feels very laced with growth and hustle mentality, almost too much so and this is when I realized...
This quote completely dispels the beauty of who we used to be. It takes our past as invaluable when in reality, we wouldn't be where we are today, let alone where we are going to be in the future, without our past.
Our past is intricate and beautiful and critical in understanding how we move forward in life. If anything, our past is a guide for the "becoming" this quote refers to. The past is our key to "becoming," because our histories are how we learn about ourselves, what triggers us, and what needs we have to strive towards to be the best version of ourselves.
BUT, here is the throughline...
If I really think about it, in no way is the future me more important than the past me, if anything the present me is the most important me because she is the only one that ACTUALLY exists. She is the only one experiencing the world, experiencing memories of the past, experiencing the dreams of the future.