11.7.20 // this is me
This is me.
This is me looking happy but feeling so completely confused.
Confused as I watch a country, that I’ve taken pride in, loved, and called home for my 29 years of life, teetering on the precipice of a world I’m scared to know.
Confused as I watched millions in that country vote for someone who is outwardly racist, sexist, and a cheat.
And the strangest part is I feel like “confused” doesn’t even begin to capture my complete loss of words, the numbness in my mind, or the pain of my broken heart.
How. I just want to know, how.
How can individuals vote against humanity, human rights, equality, and democracy??
How can humans be so full of hate and a need to control?? To control someone else’s body, somebody else’s basic human rights.
I really thought that over the summer deep conversations were happening. That we were turning a page. But, that was my white-privilege still blocking the reality.
The reality of what turned up to the polls. The humans still looking to continue a system of oppression.
But in the depths of the shattered pieces of my broken heart, a flame still smolders. One that burns for the new world of freedoms.
Not the freedoms written about by our forefathers, but the ones that reflect society as it is today.
And with that change of freedoms, we have a long way to go.
But, keep the flames in your heart alive.
I’m so proud to call @joebiden my new president, but stay awake my friends. We may lose the senate which means that any work and progress will take that much more time and effort.