11.4.24 // Falling Back

Falling back.
Daylight saving is here, and the concept of time is challenged while the light that guides our circadian rhythm is overcome not by our natural beings but by the firm expectations of a society that tells us how time, light, hours, and expectations have changed.

Perhaps at one point, it was a utilitarian change- the greatest good for the greatest number- back when men sailed across the oceans in wooden boats and candle-lit homes on dark, rainy mornings.
We shift, and we gain an hour in sleep and morning light to lose an hour in the evening, with dusk creeping across the horizon before 5 p.m.
What a strange idea that time can change and morph as a culture adjusts its rhythm based on an external rule. It's impact rippling through your home on the microwave, alarm clock, and oven, rippling through your city on work schedules and appointments, and eventually rippling through the world even if other societies may not opt into the disillusion of "changed time."
But here we are falling back... I feel like I'm falling back. But, the darkness isn't so unfamiliar after all.