7.21.20 // I think about you
I think about you.
Do you think about me too?
I think about your energy. The way it calls to me, the way it’s called to me for years and I never listened because I couldn’t understand the language. For those years, you’ve pulled on my soul, a little fire burning in my heart, whispering for my return.
I think about your power. The way it manifests in soft and supple love through small tributaries but can build to enormous levels like the way those streams lead to a roaring Colorado River. The spectrum of your abilities is unlike anywhere else and around each corner is a new display of your power, grace, and endless beauty.
I’ve never been a desert girl, but your vast depths make me question that claim. You leave me wondering if perhaps I could find myself amongst the red rocks, covered in dust, and basking in the crystal clear waters.