3.18.22 // I Want to Know You
I want to know you.
I want to see you in the light and feel you in the dark.
I want to know every line on your hand and wrinkle on your face.
A topographic map of heaven etched in perfection that you wear with such ease, your face is nothing short of everything my eyes need.
I want to study you and learn every small mannerism, it's like kindling to my fire, a slow but consistent lingering burn of desire.
But that isn't knowing you, is it?
To simply see you and love you from the outside isn't enough.
I can love and worship your outside like a patron to their shrine, but to know your inside, where stardust and brainwaves go to collide, is nothing short of divine.
After all, I want to know every thought that crosses your mind.
I want to listen to your secrets.
I want to learn your fears.
I want to hold your internal compass, watching her veer, letting the needle spin while you ceaselessly steer, finding your way home, your true north, hopefully landing somewhere with me near.
I want to know you.
But you already know. The question is, will you let me? I promise it won't shake our status quo.
I've loved you yesterday and I'll love you tomorrow, but I'll always want to know you as you continue to grow.