11.21.22 // Meg, Fanny, and Evelina
This is me...
This is me, and this is Meg, Fanny, and Evelina. Women I lived with at @mammothcrib last week.
[Context: I was told before arriving at the Crib that 3 The North Face athletes would be there. I'm an average athlete and my insecurities almost got the best of me. I entertained shifting the dates because I was so anxious to be "normal" with professional athletes. All I can say is... I'm fucking (expletive necessary) happy I didn't let fear win.]
When we said goodbye after our 5 days together a part of my spirit left with them, receiving a bit of theirs in return. If I could embody just the smallest sliver of these 3 incredible humans I know my being would be so much better for it.
It's not just that they are incredible athletes, they are the most incredible humans...
Meg: Fearlessly moved from South Africa to Chamonix, France where she not only takes on some of the most world-renowned trails, but she is a facilitator for community. Her ideas are rich and she consistently challenged my own work narrative and opened my mind to opportunities I didn't even know were possible.
Fanny: Swedish and delightfully so. Her laugh was consistent and it was rare for a smile to leave her face. If she was in the kitchen you could find her eating porridge and willing to dive into any conversation topic, with a vulnerability and openness that was raw and real.
Evelina: Soft-spoken and deeply connected to her being and Mother Nature. She led a meditation one night for the 5 of us, and I melted into the ground as she spoke words of wisdom, erased the thoughts from our minds, and brought us into her loving embrace through her calming presence.
These women, I wish words could capture their essence. They are professional athletes AND they are so much more. They have fears but are fearless, they have insecurities but are confidently themselves, they are people in the world but are also people who I get to call friends.
I am so grateful for this last week. My fears were unjustified. You can't make up the timing of the universe. Sometimes, things, people, and opportunities appear when you least expect them (or even when you are most fearful).
@patrickgriley // @visitmammoth