6.26.24 // Language and Labels
Language and Labels.
I’m convinced language can be deeply limiting. Language as labels takes incredibly complex beings, and tries to put them in boxes for others to understand.
Sometimes I even put myself in the label boxes because we all desire to be known and labels help others understand us. And what a basic human need, to be understood, to be seen, to be loved for what is seen.
But as Alan Watts said, “trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.”
It feels like a disservice to label ourselves, especially because labels feel so rigid. Yet, without labels we float in the non-defined, the unwritten, and ask for others to dig deeper to understand us.
It’s a courageous space to live in undefined, and I applaud the souls who are willing to live in the in between, lost in the labels, living in the gaps of language.