12.13.21 // Mentorship
Do you have a mentor?
I've seen others like my friend Noah (@nwfbond) post a beautiful story about the trials and challenges of finding a mentor and I can't help but echo the sentiment.
And I should clarify, personally, I'm not looking for a work mentor so much as a life mentor.
Someone who isn't family or a classical "friend," but claims a beautiful role as a guiding hand. I imagine them as an usher or escort through this chapter of my life, to offer me a level of life experience and advice, who would invest in seeing my growth, and who would be open and vulnerable in their own mistakes as a means for mutual growth and reflection.
Maybe you're thinking, "Liz, duh, hire a life coach!"
And I hear you and love a good life coach. I've had two incredible ones that I love deeply, but for me, a mentor is different.
Because there is something about the exchange of money for services that feels misaligned with what I want in a mentor. I don't want my financial security to reflect how this person shows up in my life and to what extent. I yearn for there to be an exchange of energy that feels reciprocated between us, leaving us both feeling fulfilled, held, heard. I want energetic buy-in from both parties.
Maybe this is a far-fetched dream...
But, I'm curious, do you have someone like this in your life?
Let's talk about it.