4.27.23 // My Favorite Type of Running

My favorite type of running.
My favorite type of running isn't something you can lump easily into a category.
It isn't just road running, it isn't timed running, it isn't trail running, it isn't mountain running, it isn't even "adventure" running.
It isn't running towards, it isn't running away, it isn't running to accomplish, it isn't running to defeat, it isn't running for approval, it isn't running to compete, it isn't running for you and sometimes it isn't even running for me.
It is running to see what will happen. It is running in the most basic sense of the unknown. It is feeling, emotion, and thought, manifesting in physical movement.
It is running with a plan but no commitment. It is running with light expectations and understanding, but no knowledge of how the miles will unfold.
Sometimes those favorite types of runs lead to goofy moments with epic vistas on islands in the middle of the Atlantic, sometimes those runs lead to Portuguese custard tarts and new friends, and sometimes those runs lead to true mental breakdowns that were probably a bit overdue and not what I wanted, but exactly what I needed.
The running I love to do can't be categorized because categorizing it would be too simple. The running is simple but the experience is deeply complex.