5.21.21 // re-connection
I recently re-connected with a friend.
It's not that I lost touch with that friend, but our journeys took us in different directions. We weren't running into each other and our lives weren't seamlessly overlapping like they once did.
A simple exchange of "how are yous" and he divulged a short but powerful bit of vulnerability.
Immediately I took the exchange off Instagram and sent a video text. We had exchanged a couple of these in the past and they were fun- more powerful than a text, not connected to any social media app, and not as intense as a call because we both could respond when we had the energy to devote to it.
Over the course of several videos, some short and some longer, we had a beautifully vulnerable conversation and it reminded me of my heart’s desperate need for human connection.
I've blamed a lot on COVID this past year, some of those blames are accurate, but some are not. For example, I have been blaming my disconnection from others on COVID. Yes, but also no.
A lot of my disconnection comes from the feelings of connection that social media artificially provides me.
It's assumed that by ‘following’ our friends on social media, we are "connected to them”. Sure, a small part of this could be true, but idly sitting by watching someone's highlight reel feels wrong. Friendships aren't as simple as a follow or unfollow and I am pained when others boil it down to something so simple [more on this tomorrow].
Friendships need connection, vulnerability, truth, communication, and action.
I needed that reminder.
And for any friends I've fallen into the social media handicap with, I'm sorry. Let's chat?