8.11.20 // "self-care"

How are you guys practicing self-care?
Man oh man, I don't like that phrase.
I've used "self-care" some over the past few years and I'm trying to love it... But, when I use it I feel like I'm selling some sort of weird detox tea or facial cream.
So, let me re-word, how are you guys taking care of your mind, your body, and your soul?
I'm asking because recently it was flagged by my therapist that I'm not doing a very good job in terms of "self-care."
"How is that possible?!" I thought to myself on the surface.
But deep down? I knew she was right. If I'm honest with myself, this comment isn't surprising at all.
I'm a repeat offender on grinding myself down and completely emptying my "bank" until there is no "money" left for me. Instead, I've given out hundreds of metaphorical "$"s to the people I love, the work I'm committed to, and the daily interactions of simply being a human.
I feel this need to give and give and give. But, when my bank is low on "$" my interactions start to go sideways, I'm tense, frustrated, and easily irritable. Well. no shit... it's because I left no "money" (time, activities, etc) for myself.
Putting myself first is one of the most challenging things. I stumble over what I should do if I have free time to myself. It takes days of being alone before I find a groove...
However, prioritizing myself is a muscle I'm trying to strengthen.
Do you guys have tips and tricks to keeping "$" in your bank and not accidentally overdrawing to the point of no return? And more importantly, how do you guys practice "self-care"? Tell me everything!