1.20.22 // The Sun is High
The sun is high on my brow.
I can feel its warmth tugging lightly on my hairline, sweat forming as its golden kiss caresses.
Under my soft straw hat, I can feel the warmth of the day coming. I relish in the warmth, but I tend to dread the inevitable midday heat that is slowly encroaching.
Not today though, I celebrate the heat that is starting to bloom. My skin glistening like the shimmering turquoise waters just out of reach of my sandy toes.
I love the ocean, but she has never called me like the tall mountain peaks. I love to swim in her bobbing waves, but find her tumultuous moods to be frightening in the way she can shift faster than my feet can carry me away from her edges.
Maybe I'm sensitive to her moods because I recognize myself in her. Vast, composed of endless versions of herself, and bursting with a frightening power that can be destructive if not harnessed properly...
But even though I don't feel called to her, the connection is still there. I still feel like she is familiar, like she is family, like a long-lost ancestor. Perhaps that is our basic primal call to water?
Either way there is something there and when I wade in her blue waters, water lapping at my legs, there is a renewal that happens, a baptism, a cool sweet relief from the sun's heat, and a loving hold of my being in her ever-shifting waters.