3.23.21 // the rain
I'm learning to love the rain.
The way she falls so effortlessly on the gray cobblestones of Italy and the way she blows in as quickly as she disappears.
I'm learning to feel the rain.
From her soft and sweet caress to her cruel and unnerving slats of freezing droplets, her emotions are eminent and vast as the humans she falls on.
I'm learning to see the rain.
For years, I'd simply run from her, turning my attention to some other distraction. Now, I see her falling, sometimes in long stretches and sheets, and other times she falls in delicate and chubby droplets landing on my eyelashes, showing off her grace and demanding my gaze.
I'm learning to read the rain.
To understand her in the smallest bit of my capabilities. And yet, she leaves me wondering how so much beauty and emotion can be developed into such small vapor, it feels like a condensing of much more than just water in the air.