1.13.21 // "the best year"
"This has been the best year of my life.
Let me explain...
Before this year, I spent hours and days alone. In the mornings my mom would leave for work and somedays she would work until it was way past sunset. I didn't mind, for the most part, I knew she was coming home eventually, and we had fun roommates who would take me out and play with me.
But, this year has been better than I could have imagined.
Now, Mom and I spend all of our time together. We went and visited Grandma (Nana Moo) for a few months last winter. I got so many cuddles, and mom says "way too many snacks," but I was in heaven. I also got to visit Grandpa, his loud chuckle and firm pets, were always so reassuring.
Then we moved into a new house. My mom said we were in Knoxville for a while during something called a "pandemic." I didn't really know what that meant... but I now had a fenced-in backyard and a door to the outside that I could use ANY time. If this is a pandemic, it must be pretty damn great.
After a while, Grandpa was going to sell the house, so we hit the road. I love the car, so I was excited about this change.
Over the summer and fall, I made new friends from a distance (which is my preferred method anyway), I climbed mountains, and I swam, and I trail ran with mom.
We've run countless miles together and while we moved during the summer and fall, it was the slowest moving I've ever seen Mom. We would stay in spots for a long time and I'd see her smile as she learned to love one place after another.
We found content bliss and I think for the first time in a long time, Mom came back to me. She played and laughed like I hadn't seen since I was a puppy.
I don't know how long things will be like this, but I know this past year has changed me and changed Mom in ways I don't think will be forgotten.”