3.31.21 // fingerprints
The delicate patterning formed by the ridges of skin found on each beautiful digit of our hands.
With the intention of helping us grip objects, these friction ridges also act as uniquely beautiful human identifiers.
Our fingerprints loop and curl in patterns unique to only our hands, just as snowflakes fall from the sky with infinite differences. Small, perfect drops of water, snowflakes are transformed with just a bit of chill in the atmosphere to become some of the most stunning and intricate designs. Unlike our fingerprints which last a lifetime, snowflakes only last a few moments while they drift from the sky to the ground before dissolving.
I can't help but wonder about the other fingerprints the world has. I can't help but find myself deep in thought of the grandiose scale of mother nature and her ability to create unique moments and individuals.
She seems to have endless creativity and capability.
What a beautiful world to have stumbled into.