4.27.21 // image a life

Imagine a life where everyday you find yourself in the utmost joy.
A life where you are surrounded by a beautiful energy so strong it could crash over you like the summer ocean and take you out to sea and you’d gladly go into the waters of warmth and love.
A life where positivity spreads like the flowers blooming in spring, busting in color, and fragrant, delicate scents that surround you like a calm vibrance.
A life where you can turn to your loved one, and know they undoubtedly have you, hold you, support you, see your growth and respect you like a harvest in the fall. Them seeing your growth as an opportunity for their own nourishment, excited about the cycle of your blooming, fruiting, and shedding old layers.
A life where you no longer need to fit into one definition, like the delicate winter snowflakes, you can find yourselves as individual as you care to be.
A life where you flow ever-changing like the seasons.
That's a life I choose.