4.28.21 // most uniquely positioned to offer

What does the world need that I'm most uniquely positioned to offer?
This is a question that has been top of mind for me lately.
What am I uniquely qualified for in this big beautiful world?
Letting this question tumble in the back of my mind over the last few weeks has been a strange and beautiful experience. Sometimes I have "a-ha moments" where I think I've figured it out, and other times I have imposter syndrome tearing down any thoughts I have that challenge the societal status quo.
So, I'm asking you.
What do you get out of my content?
It's funny because I've always struggled and silently judged others who ask their audience "what do you want to see on my X [blog, IG, Youtube]." But here I am as a twist of fate.
HOWEVER, I am not asking what you want to see so much as why are you here? Why do you follow my journey? I want to hear your thoughts.
I realize this is a big ask.
But it's not one I ask without deep gratitude and without knowing how valuable your precious time is.
And while I welcome you to drop it as a comment, I'd love to invite anyone to email me (lizfieser@gmail.com) or even get on a phone call if you feel so inclined to chat (fair warning, I'm high energy on the phone most days- DM me if you want to chat!).
I'm excited for this turn of the page as I reflect on what I can bring to the world and I'm excited to hear any thoughts you have to share!