8.8.22 // My Vision

My vision isn't always clear.
Not the vision in my eyes, but the vision in my mind.
Not what I see, but what I want, what I need, and who I truly am.
I keep thinking that because I can't see the vision clearly, it must be constantly changing. However, the core of me and who I am with clear vision isn't changing, but the directions to the core are. I'll see parts of the vision clearly, while other parts blur, and the maze to find myself sometimes has me tumbling around like the gems shifting in a kaleidoscope.
It may come across as chaotic, it may come across as confusing, especially if you place assumptions and expectations unspoken on my shoulders.
Although, my directions are not chaotic, they are calm and grounded. Just like the shifting colors in the kaleidoscope are stunning. My directions are spontaneous, like the need to fly free, like the feeling of being blown by the ever-changing wind. The need to keep shifting the kaleidoscope round and round.
And I think my throughline is this... my means to get to my clear vision are rooted in the need to trust the change to know the truth.
So even when my vision is blurred, to enjoy the colors of the kaleidoscope, trust the blur, and know I'll see the full picture exactly when I'm supposed to.