3.29.21 // not a world traveler
"Not being a 'world traveler' is ok. It's ok to not want to live abroad. I think I wanted so much to be a live-abroad human. But maybe that isn't me."
I wrote that in my journal back in late 2019 [photo 2].
"I'm not a world traveler" is a story I've been telling myself for years...
At the core, these words are a false narrative. They are a box I default to so I can protect myself from change, the unfamiliar, and in some cases, heartbreak.
This type of thinking is also a cognitive distortion. The distortion is black and white thinking: I'm either a world traveler or I'm not. I'm either super comfortable jet-setting and being abroad or I'm not. To me, this black and white thinking helped me justify why I didn't fit in the category of a world traveler. It gave me justification to classify myself.
And yet, here I am living in Rome. You'd think I would drop the old narrative, but it still lingers, haunting the moments of discomfort or misunderstanding as I try to understand the new world around me. A poisonous whisper in my ear, treading on the distortions of my past.
But, the world isn't black and white, it has a beautiful array of colors if only I'd let myself see them.
So I'm going to re-color the world around me and let go of these old stories I've told myself.
I am a world traveler, but I can get deeply uncomfortable with languages other than English. I am a world traveler, but I can want to be at the airport an unnatural amount of hours early because of anxiety around missed flights. I am a world traveler, but new places can bring me both intense excitement and intense exhaustion.
Here's to the continuous journey to live across the color spectrum and leave my old black and white ways behind.