4.12.21 // sometimes I find myself

Sometimes I find myself.
Sometimes I find myself running through the flowers.
Each step falling on soft ground with a vibration of energy reciprocated by that of the earth.
The smell is so sweet, laced with a tang of soil, a scent that dances with me as I move along the trail, each breath offering a new bouquet of delightful complexities.
The sounds are muted in those flower fields, it’s like the world is humbled by her beauty and has fallen silent to gaze on her. An occasional breeze rustling the grasses of the field, but the quiet here is thick and thorough.
But the best part is seeing the flower fields in their ombré colors. Shifting from bright colors to soft whites and pastels. It’s like running through a watercolor, the shades of blue beautifully running from one form to another, and the pinks cascading across shapes and objects.
Sometimes I find myself running through the flowers, my senses alive.